Tongue-tie and lip-tie are conditions that affect newborn babies and, if not corrected, also impact the person throughout life. Gep TOTs Dental Group offers tongue-tie treatments using dental lasers. The benefits of laser tongue-tie and lip-tie treatments include faster healing times and reduced post-operative pain. More about tongue-tie follows as well as some tips on post-procedure care of laser frenectomies.
What is Tongue-Tie?
The medical term for tongue-tie is “ankyloglossia,” and it is restriction of the tongue due to an abnormally short frenum or a frenum attached too close to the top of the tongue. Normal tongue function is not possible, and, as a result, tongue-tie causes a range of problems.
Newborns are unable to latch onto their mother’s breast to feed. A baby can fail to thrive due to the hindrances caused by tongue-tie. The following are more of the symptoms of tongue-tie at various ages:
- The lower jaws protrude
- Poor dental health, such as a tendency to have inflamed gums
- Heightened risk of dental decay
- Jaw pain
- The jaws make a clicking sound
- Unable to speak clearly if talking rapidly, loudly, or softly.
- Speech and eating habits are affected by an inability to widely open the mouth
- Difficulties flossing and brushing
- Because the maxillary frenum is prominent and low, it suffers repeated trauma
- When the elderly have dentures, tongue-tie makes keeping the dentures in place difficult
Benefits of a Laser Frenotomy for Newborns
Breastfeeding is the healthiest choice for babies, but tongue-tie creates complications. The following are benefits of having a laser frenotomy for a newborn:
- The pain of breastfeeding is relieved, making it possible to enjoy restored health to the nipples and breasts.
- Breastfeeding is more successful.
- Milk production is stimulated as a result of the baby being able to latch on and receive nourishment.
- The baby is able to feed properly and grow at a normal pace, rather than getting behind on the growing curve.
- The bond between mother and baby is strengthened.
- The baby will have the benefit of avoiding numerous problems, including improper tooth spacing, social stigma, speech impairments, and dental caries, better known as cavities.
Post-Operative Care following a Laser Frenotomy/Frenectomy
Once a laser frenotomy has been performed, active wound management is important. Parents should be playful to offset the discomfort the child will feel. Below are a few examples of the many tips for stretching exercises:
- Forceful or prolonged exercises are not recommended.
- Quick, precise movements are most effective during stretching exercises.
- Remember that a small amount of bleeding, also known as “spotting,” is normal during exercises, particularly in the first few days.
- Prevent reattachment of the tissues in the mouth with frequent, not forceful, stretching.
- For best results, proper active wound management is necessary.
Schedule a Laser Frenotomy at Gep TOTS Dental Group
Tongue-tie and lip-tie are conditions that involve tethered oral tissues (TOTs) or the frenulum. Our specialists at Gep TOTs Dental Group recommend scheduling a check-up as soon as possible or when suggested by your pediatrician or doctor. The earlier a laser frenotomy is performed, the easier it is on the patient. We are located at Woodbridge Kids Dentistry & Orthodontics in Renaissance Commercial Plaza, 8099 Weston Rd., Unit 23, in Vaughan, ON. Call us today at (647) 492-7059.
[…] a frenectomy. In a study by the International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, found that after undergoing a frenectomy, latching for tongue tied infants “significantly […]